tribute (draft)


Let me begin

Dear grandma,

I am writing to reach you—even if each word I put down is one word further from where you are

This is the beginning sentence of my favorite book
And I always long for writing it to someone I love so deeply
But not able to truly approach through words
We don’t share a common language, except for the I love yous that we never say to each other
You put them into all the meals that you cooked for us
I put them into the hugs that I gave you

I am writing to you
And I hope I am writing more like a poet

You were so
Energetic Lively and, loud sometimes
That I almost forgot that you existed before

It seems like centuries, that I encounter such a kind of you
It’s been lost
And will be long lost, since you are nowhere to be found now
You were stolen away
By time

But I know you’re in the wind
You hide into the moonlight
And when I gaze afar
You are right in the scenery that I gaze into

when I think of you
You could be at anywhere

Auntie said she hated me for recording this clip
Because you’re working
We made you physically exhausted, sacrificed and we never fully express our gratitude

Mom said, you birthday changed now
It is coming earlier this year
There might be one year, that mom outlives you, and I outlive you too
So will Auntie, and Meimei
You will become the youngest among five of us